Managed IT Services Solutions in South Africa
For small to medium businesses, it relates to technology consumption, utilization, and support has changed significantly.
What are managed computer services? Managed computer services are when you bring somebody in to take over the IT Services for the business. So what normally happens for business owners is that they start their business with a few people and they take care of the IT themselves, they might buy a computer from a retailer, they might have a mate who comes and does back-ups and scans for viruses. But as time goes on, that business generally grows and they get more and more people in the business. And the business owner then says, “Well, I need somebody to help me with my IT Services. I can either hire somebody..” Like a full-time person? A full-time person in the business. “Or I can outsource it to an IT Services Company.” So that’s generally what managed IT services is.
We provide smart, reliable, and flexible cloud solutions and Managed IT Services in South Africa for Enterprise, SME, and Service Providers. Our IT solutions are underpinned by the reliability and robust security.
It’s bringing in an IT Services company to do things as simple as checking the back-ups, making sure the anti-virus software is updated, making sure that the computers are running as efficiently, as optimally as they can. So, when we talk about managed IT services, and you’re talking about software stuff there, is there also — I’ve heard that there’s also sort of a cycle with computers where after a couple of years you might wanna think about buying them again or changing them or updating them. What’s that process about? We normally say that when you buy a new computer, it generally lasts about 3 maybe 4 years tops. Before you drop it, kick it, chuck it. Before it just starts breaking down, slowing down.
And what happens is that the software that you keep on putting on whether it’s the Office software or the latest Windows updates. They generally are slowing down. The computer hardware is slowing down as you put more and more software on. So there’s a couple of things you can do. Once you get to that 3-year mark, you can then go out and buy a new computer. Bite the bullet, start again? Start again, start where you were 3 years ago with a brand new computer. Nice and quick in a way you go again. The other thing that you can do is just take away your data off, do a format, reinstall of Windows and then just reset the computer back to a fresh state. And then you might get another one to two years’ worth of life out of it. So, part of managed IT business services is taking care of that process of upgrading or optimizing the hardware that you’ve got. Yeah, that’s right. Part of managed IT services is being able to say to a business owner, “you need to either upgrade your computers and buy or you ones or you can use these existing computers but we just need to do some work to the install windows.”
How IT services process making a big difference to a company that you’ve run into over the years? We’ve gone into businesses where their computers were 5, 6 years old, and not performing that well. So you generally find a lot of frustration from the staff and also from the business owners as well because of that frustration comes back to them. So quite often, we’ll go into a business and we’ll see the computers that are aging. And then just replacing them with newer machines that are working well. Giving the user a much better experience, you tend to find that they work a lot better. And also there must be security advantages? Yeah, there is. Updating the computers means that you’ve then got the latest security software as well. So it just made your data is better protected than it was with the older machines.